Our QHSE Policy

Make The Safe Choice

Make the Safe Choice sits at the heart of every project we deliver, and our all-encompassing approach means you can rest assured we will comply will relevant regulations for every lift we deliver.

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Our Safety Culture

Our approach is supported by approximately 150 four-tier audits a year. This rigorous system aids both the safety of our staff and that of our clients, and also ensures that we meet the variety of industry standards across the sectors in which we work.

Audits can be conducted either following advance notification or on an ‘adhoc’ basis, with the information gathered used to both improve safety at individual sites and to develop insights into trends across the business as a whole.

Our robust approach to safety and compliance is key to our way of working, and is shared by each member of our team.

None of our cranes, vehicles or equipment are operated unless they are safe and roadworthy, meaning you can be assured that when working with Ainscough Crane Hire, we will always Make the Safe Choice.

To ensure our fleet remains safe, it is maintained with rigour using accurate reporting and the use of a ‘traffic light’ system. Our strict ‘RED IS STOP’ policy ensures no crane is in operation when it doesn’t meet our strict safety standards.

Once a crane has been used for 700 hours or travelled 7000kms, it is marked as ‘red’ and will not be allowed for use before being inspected and work has taken place to ensure it meets our exact safety specifications.

To read our full QHSE policy statement, please click here.

  • QHSE Statement
  • CSR Statement

QHSE Policy Statement – Integrated Management System (IMS)


This policy is designed to provide guidance to all those who work with or within the Company.

This policy applies to all employees and all those working alongside, in partnership and on behalf of Ainscough Crane Hire Limited.

The scope and direction of the Ainscough Crane Hire (ACH) Integrated Management System is applicable to the supply of crane hire with an operator and associated equipment, contract lifting and activities associated with crane hire.


Continually improve our Company’s performance with regards to Quality, Health, Safety and Environment (QHSE).

Fulfil all statutory legislation, applicable standards and other compliance requirements to which Ainscough subscribes.

Set business objectives, targets that are compatible with the organisations business strategy and as agreed with senior management and the executive board. Progress will be monitored on a regular basis.

Appropriate resources to complete business objectives and targets to establish, implement, maintain and improve the Quality, OH&S and Environmental management system are available.

Supporting other relevant management roles to demonstrate their leadership as it applies to their areas of responsibility.

Effective communication, utilising personal electronic devices and intranet, company training programmes, QHSE committee meetings and noticeboards of these policy requirements to all persons working for and on behalf of Ainscough.

This policy is available to the general public or any other relevant interested parties through the Company web site or upon request.

The prevention of pollution to the environment and protection of biodiversity and ecosystems, climate change mitigation and adaptation through strict adherence to legislative requirements and codes of practice.


Safe and healthy workplaces and environments, safe systems of work and well-maintained plant. Information, instruction, training and supervision to enable work to be carried out safely.

Raise awareness throughout the business and take all practicable steps to reduce the risk to as low as reasonably practicable to prevent ill health, loss, damage, environmental impact or personal injury.

Ensuring the health and safety of our employees, contractors, neighbours and other persons who may be affected by our activities.

The Chief Executive Officer is ultimately responsible for the company products and services. All personnel, throughout the Company, shall bear equal responsibility for the quality of all tasks for which they are accountable and act in accordance with the requirements of the Integrated Management System.

This policy is regularly reviewed to ensure effectiveness and suitability.

Peter Gibbs
Chief Executive Officer
AG-QHSE-IMSP-01 – Rev 9

Corporate Social Responsibility

We recognise that we must integrate our business values and operations to meet the expectations of our stakeholders. They include customers, employees, investors, suppliers, the community and the environment.

We recognise that our social, economic and environmental responsibilities to these stakeholders are integral to our business. We aim to demonstrate these responsibilities through our actions and within our corporate policies.

We take seriously all feedback that we receive from our stakeholders and, where possible, maintain open dialogue to ensure that we fulfil the requirements outlined within this policy.

We shall be open and honest in communicating our strategies, targets, performance and governance to our stakeholders in our continual commitment to sustainable development.

The Managing Director is responsible for the implementation of this policy and will make the necessary resources available to realise our corporate responsibilities. The responsibility for our performance on this policy rests with all employees throughout the company.

Our focus:

We shall ensure a high level of business performance while minimising and effectively managing risk ensuring that we uphold the values of honesty, partnership and fairness in our relationships with all our stakeholders.

We shall support the development of our external stakeholders through led training courses and using our facilities for all of our business partners to hold seminars and industry meetings.

Our contracts will clearly set out the agreed terms, conditions and the basis of our relationship and will operate in a way that safeguards against unfair business practices.

We shall encourage suppliers and contractors to adopt responsible business policies and practices.

We shall encourage dialogue with local communities for mutual benefit.

We will register and resolve customer complaints in accordance with our complaints procedure.

We shall support and encourage our employees to help local community organisations and activities in our region, particularly our employee chosen charities.

We shall work with local schools, colleges and universities to assist young people in choosing their future careers, being an advocate for our industry.

We shall operate an equal opportunities policy for all present and potential future employees and will offer our employees clear and fair terms of employment and provide resources to enable their continual development.

We shall maintain a clear and fair employee remuneration policy and shall maintain forums for employee consultation and business involvement.

We shall provide safeguards to ensure that all employees of whatever nationality, colour, race or religious belief are treated with respect and without sexual, physical or mental harassment.

We shall provide, and strive to maintain, a clean, healthy and safe working environment in line with our Health and Safety policy and safe systems of work.

We shall develop Environmental policies and objectives as part of the business planning cycle.

Our Vision & Values
Our Safety Culture
Our Safety Culture
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